SFoL 12 The Return of The Unseen! {BD, Merc, Alch win}

Pkr is on trial!


Guys, Braixen is immune.
We need to vote them!
I know they were attacked but theyā€™re alive!

Oh no


/guilty and if he is fool then fair play well played.

If not that was p trash tho ngl :stuck_out_tongue:


if this is foolā€¦ well good for ya.

If I am Fool, then thanks for that <3
If I am not, was that a joke? As I didnā€™t have much claim space anyway. Nobody even confirmed the RB on me.

Well, do you think I am?
You know my plays Agent~

Not really, I got a terrible short memory.

/royal finger execute


Sorry. You should have been prevented on Dama. And Dama ISNT Support/Social, Dama is the one who occupied you.

gj outting Dama for no reason :clap:

Nah, there are a ton of classes that can occupy and arenā€™t support/social.

Well I suppose there is only one BD class :thinking:
Either way, I donā€™t want people to feel bad about this execute.

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Yeah cuz he claimed fool or posessor in jail.

PKR I just want to say iā€™m sorry if you got converted into a loss :frowning:
Feels ultra bad

4 exes


Canā€™t be fool, heā€™d be occ immune

Also the buddying from PKR when I accused Polik was very suspicious

/use Executionary Methods

But it wouldnā€™t surprise me if you were Fool. Dama claimed Jailed and you said the class MM claims, and the category with the least amount of classes in it.