SFoL 12 The Return of The Unseen! {BD, Merc, Alch win}

Oh, that means Noz can check anyone really tonight. So yeah, guard on Noz or a heal on him would be quite nice I think

Except Simon, so donā€™t try it since Marl already confirmed jailing Simon

Agent is healing Noz and Frosty is healing me I think.



Do your magic work.


I canā€™t ping now?

Yeah thatā€™s weird.

I summon thee to unleash the gates of hell upon PKR

Oh waitā€¦xD

You misspelled

Mod abuse


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I think I regret myself reading Esperanza Rising on the car now.

2 dizzy.

wait, why did i not incorperate a pandemonium pun into that
rip my chance to pander somemore

Shut up, the pandemic already happened in day 1 so youā€™re not helping.

I was the Assassin.
Considering majority reached, I might as well be honest.
Best of luck all and Iā€™m sorry how I reacted this day (D3)
(Game is still locked for BD though and itā€™s only D3 which is why I got annoyed. I do still say this is a waste of time to keep going)


You had me going there for a while.
And we got a pretty lucky start, but this game isnā€™t over yet.
Iā€™ll see you at the end :smile:

See ya in the end of the game.

Ah so I healed the assassin from the possessor who also got occupied first night.

What about the king?

I suggest our loyal butler murders the King at the soonest opportunity tbh. The King immediately agreed with PKR in saying he thought Simon was scorned, but then has been silent ever since we accused PKR.