SFoL 12 The Return of The Unseen! {BD, Merc, Alch win}

If Simon isn’t the mastermind at least I’ll get to spend eternity with a toaster.

Is that a threat.

Could you be… THE HIDDEN MM?!

yeah, I can be the hidden mm chocolate.


Sorry, just very hungry.

Guess who am I occupying tonight


I want to became the room servant for you…

This is very strange.

This is Unseen oriented game, but BD are crushing it,



I am sorry I kill the chat.

Pkr is dead rip

They were the Assassin!

Yes, this is it.
My good friend Nagito Komaeda has given me yet another dose of luck.
Sorry for the frustration which has came out in my words.
It is not meant towards any of you whatsoever.
This game has been far town sided. 2 protectives and a huge buff to Sheriff but very little in comparison to Mastermind. It was decided from the start which faction would win.
I have and always will love FoL, but I let this game get the best of my feelings so I hope you guys will accept me leading in another game (When hopefully there are no buffs (As that can make a faction far more OP/UP than usual)).
Thank you for playing as usual and do not expect this game to show most of the things I do. I am and always will be a competitive leader with a passion for these forum games.
See you next game (As let’s face it, this one is over, as I already said. Is it not?)


Night 3 begins

Kyo and Wolfy ded

Kyo was Knight

Wolfy was Drunk

KyoDaz - Knight
Deathnote = “For the BD - Knight”

N1 - Protect Marluxion - Redirected to Wolfy
N2 - Cold Steel Simon - Immune
N3 - Cold Steel 3DT_Cheese

Wolfy the Drunk (how much champagne have hic have I… Zzzzzzzzzzzzz…)

N1. Debauching Kyo
N2. Debauching Noz (still don’t trust his shifty Sherrif claim)
N3. Debauching Frost (hasn’t been scummy this game I have to admit, but he’s been acting a little to compliant for my liking…)

Keep in mind Debauch here works differently to the game!

Da fuck

Braixen are you sure you haven’t made a moderror to do with my ability?

So… Cheesy is BD

Wait a minute. Wouldn’t he have been healed if Frostwolf’s Physician claim is true?

I think there may have been an error. Either way frost is confirmed assassin so it does not matter.

Is there ANY Ability in FoL that causes you to still die even if you’re healed? Any at all? Unless Frost was occupied?

Frost could not have healed and saved PKR N1 as PKR was never attacked. Frost softed visiting marluxion N1 but then had to change his claim when PKR claimed healed.

PKR was rbed so there was only 1 attack N1 - against nuclear. The other attack/heal was fabricated.

Would you guys believe me if I said Marl didn’t talk in jail last night?

You didn’t speak to me. My exact words in jail last night were
“new fone who dis”

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