SFoL 12 The Return of The Unseen! {BD, Merc, Alch win}


The problem is that sheriff will find one person per night at most.
MM will convert 1 person per night.

Ehmā€¦ what.

Maybe if mm converts someone not normally convertable, then they get the cool down, but otherwise they donā€™t?

/catch a pan (join)

Iā€™ve seen that happening in my mind before. Iā€™ve designed the game to somewhat fit around that issue

Sheriff Buff

  • Check 2 people at night
  • Check 1 person but same passive
  • Passive is changed to day ability that forces you to only check 1 person but if you donā€™t use the day ability you can check 2

0 voters

Actually I think it should be that his night Abilityā€™s should be changed to:

Night Ability 1: Investigate - Check 2 people to see if they are unseen

Night Ability 2: Recruit - Check 1 person to see if they are Unseen. The last convertable class checked this way will turn into a sheriff if you die.

Thatā€™s basically what you suggested but worded in a way that lets you make the choice at night.


The max unseen is 3 still, that is not changed

/ join letā€™s see how much stressed I can get


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Has the conversion cooldown changed?

I donā€™t believe conversion timers have been changed.
Wouldnā€™t make much balance sense.
Sheriff has a slight buff and Unseen already have a big one.
So why give them a bigger one?

The cap of unseen is 3

Complex step by step plan for Unseen:

Step 1: Convert Prince
Step 2: Win

Same conversion timers too, right?
So every other day they can convert if not at cap.
Also, Iā€™m not Prince, Unseen.
Iā€™m some sorta immune NK, so donā€™t convert me :stuck_out_tongue:
(INB4 Shaman)

BD members
Don't read if Unseen

Iā€™m important BD, but since Unseen donā€™t know, Iā€™ll not be converted.
Protect me for free win <3


/join as emperor of vanilla ice cream

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Oh I see what you are saying.



Newbie here but i would like to join if youā€™ll have me.

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Welcome aboard, itā€™s anything but ordinary Forum of Lies but do follow the same routine regardless.

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