SFoL 12 The Return of The Unseen! {BD, Merc, Alch win}

@3DT_CheesyKnives I won’t allow it to be a NoLynch.
I am fully against them

ok then so what we got

Well based on reactions so far, people should have some people they see as BD.
Simply we don’t vote those, but vote another

so like me becuase im probably acting real scummy rn and dont even know it

You’re fine.


No. More like PKR who is trying to get people lynched at a time when it accomplishes nothing


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there are advantages and disadvantages to exeing this early based on no leads

the cons outweigh the pros severly though

all we get is a class that is confirmed to either be completely gone or one other person

the cons are that we lose an asset that may potentially help us , and well , lose the day
unless thats not how it works here

and some more things that i cant remember

marl hasnt spoken monkaS

I never suggested to quick vote.
I said we should vote, but not when.
As statistically, yes, ending day early is bad. However, nolynching is far worse.
Also, we don’t have to vote until the last bit of the day anyway, so why would I want to rush it.
I’m trying to promote discussion here.
Not discourage it

But like seriously. To prove my point rather than considering everyone let’s just consider 6 theoretical people

1: MM
2: Assassin
3: Convert
4: NK
5: King
6: Knight

If we kill the assassin then the convert becomes the assassin except now he has a better fake claim and the MM will be able to convert again. If we kill the Convert then the MM can convert again. If we kill the Mastermind then the assassin becomes the Mastermind and the convert becomes the assassin see above.

If we kill a useless BD such as Knight then sure we established that he is Knight but we also lost a knight and gave us less time to find the MM.

If we kill the king and he is Evil then he will be replaced and then converted.

If we kill NK then KPN is permanently reduced by 1. This is the only good outcome


Mastermind will not be able to convert again straight away. They have a cool down like Cult if they were to have converted someone

It won’t be right away but the alternative is never

Killing any Unseen is beneficial.
Killing NK is very beneficial.
Killing Neutrals can be useful for PoE.
Killing BD isn’t great, but if we don’t ever risk things, Evil will always win.

This is flase.

@Wolfy @Frostwolf103 @orangeandblack5 @NuclearBurrito any of you wanna explain why this isn’t right?

If we lynch the MM, the BD get a new MM, and if that, a new convert.

Come again sorry? xD

BD can convert? :stuck_out_tongue:

Never mind Polik, answered my own question.

You know what I meant.