SFoL 12 The Return of The Unseen! {BD, Merc, Alch win}

Someone mentioned it. I believe it was Nuclear or Eevee or something.

To be honest, I care more about a Physician than a Knight claim.

Knight is too easy to claim. Look at FoL 5 and what happened thenā€¦

PKR did.

I havenā€™t seen FoL 5. Or any FoL really. I do believe you anyways however.

Knight is harder than Physician to claim. What are you smoking?

If my target does not die, or I do not die, then I die tomorrow. Physician is MUCH easier to claim.

Especially since it has Drug.

You can just say guard this person, guard this person, guard this person. Itā€™s not that hard!

But Iā€™m saying I am going to CS tonight. So Itā€™s different.

Also with Phys you just said ā€œheal that person, heal that personā€

Herblistā€™s drug is limited, so I think itā€™s slightly harder to claim

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But the Enforcer gets no more CSā€™s so itā€™s much more harder to claim.

He did not mention I am Physician, only to be occupied, attacked but healed.

Physician canā€™t be converted that early to give false feedback.

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Especially if the BD ask you to CS a Fool or something.

So, Frostā€™s Physician?
Did you heal me Frost?

Donā€™t answer that question frost. We need to stop outing ourselves.

If Frost says they did heal me.
Then what I said is confirmed too
Which means I wonā€™t be RBd
Which means Iā€™ll be able to confirm myself.

Yes but then he gets killed/converted which is worse in the long run.

2 people confirmed (With a risk) or 0 confirmed (With no risk)
I know which Iā€™d take.

3 pardons

2 exes

Unless im counting wrong

@PKR Can I trust you this time since FoL11?

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Whoa, the host liked me.

What the hell.