SFoL 12 The Return of The Unseen! {BD, Merc, Alch win}

Readings fun… again Ryan :neutral_face:

Yeah, that was most assuredly edited…

I was saying execute to Cheese, not you.
Reading’s fun, you should try it!


I checked edit history. Brax changed it whrn it originally said night :neutral_face:

So that basically confirms Noz due to the Host’s mistake.


On the contrary, doesn’t confirm him right now. It still can be a mistake due to understanding and he could still be scum

Also, me right now



7 exes on Polik

Reveal his card please then.

Noz isn’t confirmed still.
As Wolf said, Noz could’ve been thinking like ToL scout as deputy.
However, I do not suspect him as much.
Marl, use your instincts to imprison someone that’s not me, Frost, Kyo, Noz, (yourself), Wolfy.

Majority is 8

god damn it

Braixen, this obviously isn’t turning, can you just end it here and now please

Doesn’t strangle have Royal Finger anyways?

We need the extra vote Kyo.
Sadly cannot just end it without that person.
Secondly, Royal Finger doesn’t work for 2 votes on trial.
Only 2 votes to get someone to trial.

Royal finger pushes up someone to be voted. You’re thinking force execute

1 time use for starters

Also, after majority gets reached, we still need Strangle to decide whether or not he wishes to veto the execution, which I doubt will happen…

Noz is basically confirmed now. Anyone who blocks him should 100% be seen as scum now tbh.

Someone protect him and someone check Wolfy.

Do I have threaten Braixen?

As in the Day Ability

Good job for wasting time there(!)