SFoL 12 The Return of The Unseen! {BD, Merc, Alch win}

He’s Scorned with me as Target

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Let see how easy it is to fake as scorned:

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True…could be faking it…

You can NeutOut if you want.

I’m unsure about you, honestly. The only thing I know for certain is that Simon isn’t a scorned. His “oh how’d you guess that you were my second target?” thing is super scummy to me. Yet, we cannot hang Simon today because he’s likely the mastermind.

That could be fake, yes.
However from yesterday’s reactions
I believe Simon could likely be Scorned

Well I still say we jail him incase of MM trying to play scorned as a claim.

He could be Maso trying to khs to prince.

Wow, that’s pretty impressive.
From 45% Scorned chance to 0.
May I ask where that huge change has came from?
He clearly acted scorned on Kyo, didn’t he?

So Kyo and You?

Yes. Kyo and me.

It went from 45% to 0% in my opinion based on my read of his play.

But why would he claim scorned?I would say no need for a scorned to try that I would see someone night immune saying I AM SQUIRE or something night immune which isn’t evil rather then straight up saying scorned.


That’s two confirmed neutrals known, Kyo immediately believe the alchemist claim that supported the knight on Simon’s night immunity, that doesn’t count.

There’s occupying class and the other redirects but is more BD-motivated.

@Marluxion If someone is caught as Attack immune Marl.
Then as he is Scorned, he had to own up.
Yes, saying his targets is weird.
However, even if I’m not his target.
I do believe he is a Scorned

We saw how much squire claim was believed yesterday. That’s why.



Did I just saw a ninja edit on the @?

And btw.

There is two neutral…

One is from agent and one is from eevee.

I will simply point this out.
I don’t see anyone claiming Scorned unless they have to
Squire is an easy fake claim for immune people.
However then, people will just always have their eyes on said “Squire”
It is statistically better for them to say the truth.
As Scorned is 1 vote.
We don’t need to care about Scorned at this point.
We need to find MM and Unseen

@Insanity there is no class list of what can roll. Remember we’ve had many neutrals in a game before.
That wasn’t even Chaos edition (That was a heck of a lot worse)

@PokemonKidRyan What do you suggest then? We hang Simon today and risk he is the mastermind and it passes on?

If it passes on Marl.
We have confirmed Physician and Drunk.
Sheriff can scout one of those Jic they die.
We have a knight to protect you.
Physician to be on the knight/sheriff.
We have this setup to where we can easily win via this risk