SFoL 12 The Return of The Unseen! {BD, Merc, Alch win}

Like if you expect flirt result at Night 2 won’t come until Night 3.

At the same time, his passive said he will be immune to visitors but what does that mean? Would that mean that all visits will fail? That doesn’t add up…


We could potentially visit someone and see if we receive information.

I doubt there is forsaken at this point.

“Son, I’m coming over to check on you!”
“Dammit mom, you can’t! I’m immune to visitors!”


What I assume though.

Is that there is converted Alche.

Oh and nice joke.

So I wonder that fails for people who tries to kill Simon, in that case he is the converted Scorned.

Welp, I doubt Unseen even tried to convert him.

And prob. just converted someone who reveal their class.

In this case, should we tried for Noz?

I don’t know.

And rip.

I misclick reply.

Oh and N1.

Poss prob controlled someone into attacking someone who is immune.

Ah yes back let me tell my action I gave a debt to Marl so that he ain’t getting converted and also don’t forget the possibility of squire if we have one?Anyways I am back and I read it and well Simon seems to be scorned in my opinion and also sorry for that scorned on you Kyo.

Didn’t nuclear claim healed and so did you PKR?

Eevee is mercenary who guarded on Night 1, that’s what happen apparently.

Yeah, the probability for it is kinda high…

@Hippolytus you really seem to want to push me as evil every single time
If Scorned wasn’t unique, I’d say you’re a second scorned.
Like no matter what you keep insisting I’m evil.
Pushing me with pretty much every post.

@Marluxion I do agree we should consider all possibilities.
But from Hip’s reactions to me. What do you think about them at this time.

@Wolfy for now I consider you P-Much confirmed Drunk
What do you think of Hip?

@Frostwolf103 finally you. What do you think?

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alright. im back. i just woke up
we voting PKR? Great.
/vote PKR

Mercenary can be converted :roll_eyes:

So that means the poss or assa attacked PKR?

I was indeed healed.
Yes, Strangle.
Assuming NK attacked Nuclear (As he thought) it would mean that Unseen attacked me that night.

u wot