SFoL 12 The Return of The Unseen! {BD, Merc, Alch win}

5 is king…

May King Strangle’s reign last langer than one day and one night


Guys #hippokingbestking is trending on Aviart.org. Make me king and I will fulfill your wildest dreams.



May as well accepting back-ups.

Yo @3DT_CheesyKnives me and Wolf are both here :stuck_out_tongue:
It’s nice to see you again! :slight_smile:

We normally push lynch PKR D2 btw cheesy. We try do it D1 aswell but it doesn’t always work

/vote PKR

Has the game started? I’m that case…

I will put my logic to use.

/vote Polik

Hate to point it out.
But that’s not the case btw Cheesy.
I’m actually normally one of the most trusted to lead in this game.

You must have known my professional 10000000 IQ instincts would have detected you being unseen so you tried to sound genuine thinking that my professional 100000000IQ instincts would think you to be unseen but I can read right through you with my 10000000000000IQ instincts and that means that you are the Fool.

Excuse my sarcasm.

Yeah, trusted by wolfy and no one else :rofl::wink: :smiley:

got em’

Well, Strangle’s the King so the King isn’t going to be very active this game.
Which already puts ourselves to a disadvantage.
Also, I wouldn’t do anything as fool.
I’d just let myself come up as neutral as then everyone will panic about which NK I am.

You are having friendly conversations meaning you are of the same faction as PKr meaning you are also the Fool

Braixen better repick I already got this all worked out

I saw that edit Kyo. Hope you have fun enjoying another 1 month ban.

The game hasn’t started yet and it was a spelling mistake.

I saw it too and can confirm it
Could be a change in so many things so cannot continue :stuck_out_tongue:

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Too late you are banned. It was fun having you here while it lasted.

Unfortunate occurrences

Braixen you’ll have to “reroll” my position.