SFoL 12 The Return of The Unseen! {BD, Merc, Alch win}

INB4 in a paradox Kyo was CL and invaded this game.
Then due to the problems caused, Kyo had to do that to put things back to how they’re supposed to be

Can you stop being toxic and stuff @KyoDaz I guess I’ll give you like a warning cuz I didn’t see the edit, but I do trust Hippo and Pkr’s word.

Erm what? I never denied I did edit it and I was actually thinking to myself I was being kind with all of the messing about and thkngs and generally not being toxic. I didn’t even know the game started.

I’ve changed it anyways.

Oops, fever.

So I am not really active,


i see you leading
but i see your a good lair as well

hums the Huntress’s lullaby I will be axeing Cheesy tonight as his welcome to FoL

oh no

hopefully noz doesn’t remember it’s my first time playing FoL too

You’ll be next. As a bahroo sub and dr nerd you get one night of mercy

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Anyways let’s get this sweet game STARTED!

We probably could if eevee decides to confirm any time soon…




Well then guys. Guess it’s time to say night night when Brax sees this, so see ya’ll guys tomorrow!

Pfft, thanks for showing up Eevee.

Claiming neutral d1.

NK and Unseen please go away, I have nothing to do with you.

Like… Alchemist neutral? :thinking:

and… keep in mind all neuts can still be converted sooooo :sweat_smile:

The neutral converts all seemed really strong actually.

Mhm. So I don’t think i’d say unseen have “nothing to do with you.”

But they convert someone who doesn’t have to actively play against them, so they doesn’t really reduce the BD momentum. Sooooo.