SFoL 12 The Return of The Unseen! {BD, Merc, Alch win}

Noz vote PKR you cretin.

Say when you are done selecting the contract and I will vote.

He has another day doesnā€™t he?

Wait? weā€™re voting PKR? Iā€™d actually like to know what Hippo claims but ok.

/vote PKR

He have three days when his original contract dies, hmmā€¦

So three days and three nights? His choice I guess, @eevee did you use Rebound who voted against your contract yesterday?

At least youā€™re not Sellsword.

Well actually that sounds silly since I asked that.

Honestly, Eevee isnā€™t converted right now. I donā€™t think heā€™d be playing like he was if he is. I donā€™t mind eevee waiting a day or two to contract someone so he doesnā€™t accidentally contract the mm or a convert.

Wolfy seems safe choice, because otherwise he and Assassin would cooperate together to fail this deputy action against unseen member.

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Yeah I agree thatā€™s who eevee should do if heā€™s not gonna be a total scumster.

Why not meee

Iā€™m just a tiny bit unreliable

Just because ā€˜trust no oneā€™ is main theme for this SFoL doesnā€™t mean we need unreliable people, unless you are what I think it is.

/vote PKR

Only Kyo voted Nuclear, do you see Kyo being dead?

Thatā€™s why I mentioned it was silly

I canā€™t really read mind, so I donā€™t know what you think I am.

No matter, you are not the first choice I believe.


So is there a night plan to follow or not?

Jail simon
I Heal Kyo
Kyo CSes somebody to find out they are BD or not.
Noz checks PKR and soemone else?
Frosty heals Marl

I think this is the plan?

PKR is likely going to get executed.

I voted Nuclear?

Past me is very dumb.


Also Braixen I feel like Mercenary should be able to talk with their target at night due to no whispering.