SFoL 12 The Return of The Unseen! {BD, Merc, Alch win}

(Btw, congrat to luxx, lol)

Yay. Iā€™m here and gameā€™s over anyway.
Iā€™m so surprised to see I got voted(!)
I can wisp King tonight if you guys let me live.
Thatā€™s all I can really say.
Iā€™m a frustrated Princess who realised that we cannot lose this at all.
As a result this all feels look or a waste of time

Wanna say what your results are yet or are your pms still ā€œbrokenā€?

Yes, do announce your results please

Dama is Support/Social.

That is odd, since Marl did jail Damaā€¦

Marl, what did he claim?

How did he even flirt trough an imprison OwO.

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I already said Iā€™d wisp tonight.
I donā€™t see what problem you guys should have with that.
As Noz could check me if wanted and then King would know and Noz would that Iā€™m innocent

Do not say what he claimed, just say if his class type is Support/Social or not.

I like how you ignore you flirted trough an imprison, or my question for that matter.

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Yes, that is oddly suspicious too. That is not possible.

/vote PKR


Thatā€™s seven votes.

Unless Braixen slipped up again :eyes:

Close to majority, but not. I want PKR on lockdown Marl. Kyo to CS Simion. The longer we can keep the assassin alive, but not killing the better.

??? What is dis scum response Simon was already CSā€™ed ffs.

Iā€™m tired, pardon my stupidity.
Marl-Jail PKR but whatever you do, DO NOT EXECUTE HIM.
Kyo-Guard me in case PKR is a converted princess but not assassin
Agent-Bomb anyone you deem sus with good reason

I donā€™t see why he should cs me, regardless of whether im mm or scorned, as regardless Iā€™m night immune

noz ur a moron. vote PKR. Marl has a plan.

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But if someone votes before Marl can change imprison target, heā€™s toast.