SFoL 12 The Return of The Unseen! {BD, Merc, Alch win}

Taking down the neutral killer this early allow us to focus on Unseen even more without to worry with more than one deaths, unlike the alchemist.

Clearly no one counterclaimed for Eevee’s healing.

The next person who mentions neuts fucking out when it is not at all relevant and shouldn’t even be a thing amongst FoL players who have a shred of intelligence is getting day-viged.

Why won’t you take it by your own hands instead of deflecting every one saying their opinions?

We could kill the king? It has the most upsides if he is bad and the least downsides if he is good

But what is the followup who become next King?

No class can do that though :eyes:

Only class that can essentially do something like a day vig is the Assassin. Everyone else is night ability

Can’t do it till day 4 if we wanted to do that, or did you forget? :thonk:

Well, in all fairness, the Butler could do that.

I am new fol class with day ability Spike - sneakily pour so much salt into your targets goblet they immediately have a heart attack and die.

Is that to me? I don’t really understand your question sorry.

About the king? I was asking who we elect after the current king is executed, which is at Day 2 not terrible choice and with good deduction on the royal blood classes, we pick the pure one who is not converted recently.

I clarify you that I have no knowledge who got converted at night 1, I am making my point that we don’t want to elect evil king.

I AM PANGLE AHAHAH. K that was not at all funny.

Anyways can someone prevent a conversion on me? Also Marl I got ya back with my debt.

It says nothing about king not being lynchable D2

I am feeling pretty paranoid for being converted.

/vote strangle

Right. Back to Mathematics. I’ll post possible scum in a second.

I am too strangle

Well the thing here is If I say my faction I will be converted…

That’s what I think.