SFoL 12 The Return of The Unseen! {BD, Merc, Alch win}

This has now been changed to, as long as Marl didn’t get converted N1…


And that means that here is a 4/7 chance of hitting Unseen/NK. Fun times!

It’s 1/3 chance of him being evil plus the odds of him being converted

I’m going to vote

/vote Strangle

I can promise you this I wasn’t converted but right now am paranoid for that conversion I know I may seen defensive but the thing is I have to be defensive one second I lower my guard boom something wrong happens.

Alright then I see then I am gonna be on the wagon.

That’s because you are NK not wanting to turn into Snatcher/Haunt.

The hell I am the king…

It’s basic rules that Kings cannot be lynched till day 4

Oh wait you’re the King? nevermind.

/unvote strangle

Couldn’t vote him anyways guys…

Does people even know about the King rules anymore?

Also frost why would you want the purest one aka The prince to be the king even if he still has executes?

Then that leaves a 4/6 chance of hitting unseen, or a 2/3 chance of hitting unseen simplifying.

I quite like these odds, so I’m going to do this.

/vote Polik


You forget, there can be classes as Drunks and Princesses in play as well.

Wolfy I know that you know that I know your class.

Is this correct?

True but he told the purest one which makes me think that he wants the prince to be the king.

Let’s put it this way:

King does not count towards max Unseen so my reasoning behind not killing unseen does not apply.

Also if we kill him then royals can step up to prove if they wanr

We can’t vote him until D4 anyways Nuclear.

SO unvote him and vote Polik.

Also I’m fairly sure that the no lynching king is a ToL thing

Anyways I wonder if the new king can also have debt…