SFoL 12 The Return of The Unseen! {BD, Merc, Alch win}

Any why polik? Why do we suspect him of being NK?

For some reason guys, I donā€™t believe Nozā€™s Sherrif claim. He might be the best person to go for if weā€™re running out of time. Sherrif never reveals this early unless he was voted up or heā€™s got compelling evidence, and there is someone that could prevent him from dying. True it can be an alchemist, but they could be converted at a later point and will no longer be convertable.

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You are claiming BD?

Any claim later on as Neutral will have you executed.

I am not claiming BD I am just saying that I am not evil.

And donā€™t want to be.

So you are claiming Neutral then?

I think it might if someone King gets converted while neut or bd thoughā€¦

@Braixen, can you confirm this please?

@Braixen can we vote the king right now?

If we can then we should.

If not, we vote Polik. I like the 2/3 chance of him being Unseen.


I canā€™t claim If I do the unseen will want a BD or Neut king on their side.

No. We need to spacificaly find the NK. Hitting an unseen is not a good thing.

Yare yeare daze Nuclerā€¦

I thought you were smarter than thisā€¦ Iā€™m starting to question it considering itā€™s BASIC RULES THAT THE KING CANNOT BE VOTED UP UNTIL DAY 4!

2/3 chance of being Unseen/NK sorry.

What are the odds of him being spacificaly NK as opposed to literally anything else?

So vote Polik on suspicion of being the NK/Unseen.

Well, he has a 2/3 chance of being Scum right now. Converted, NK, Assassin, MM

so a 1/4 chance of being NK if he is Scum.

Iā€™m starting to question myself slightly now about Kyoā€¦

Iā€™m thinking heā€™s pushing Polik slightly too hard after going through random namesā€¦

And the odds of him being NK if not given that he is scum?

As long as PKR, Hippo, Wolfy, You, Eevee and Me are not converted/unseen/nk

1/4 chance of being NK if he is Scum.

Still isnā€™t bad of a chance.