SFoL 12 The Return of The Unseen! {BD, Merc, Alch win}


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All Class Cards have been distributed!


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Damn, that was a tough first round

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Polik confirmed first. He must be evil. I’m BD and got my class card quite late so Unseen must have gotten theirs first

Excuse my terrible logic

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No no your logic is perfect

Braixen made a sarcastic comment. Meaning it would be too obvious for Polik to be Unseen but wouldn’t Ben good if he was BD because they confirmed everything I said like I am BD etc. So I determine Polik is a Neutral. It’s almost like Bracken didn’t worry about throwing suspicion on them so I determine

Polik is the Fool.


Fuck better reshuffle Kyo is too smart 4 me

Guys my before class before Reshuffle was Cult Leader. Gg ez.

And Braixen is clearly the Hunter because he is making passive agressive accusations!

Troll - Neutral Social
Goal: Convince host to reshuffle the game

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Braixen is actually clearly the Mastermind since they are behind this whole thing.

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Oh damn. Braixen you’d better reshuffle this time

Not like id win if you did

Yes you were cult leader in confirmed unseen game. + Im scarcastic I gave out classes basted on their placement on my list.

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Btw can the scorned be converted after they have won?

