SFoL 12 The Return of The Unseen! {BD, Merc, Alch win}

I know you were being Sarcastic. That is why I said CL

Cough cough who said that.

Also braixen is trying to cover up Polik being this fool by saying they’re being Sarcastic. Obv fool.

Double fool? No way! Braixen is Def Hunter trying to kill someone with Retribution

Nuclear how do you do the class card thing

/accuse Braixen

Braixen was the Hunter!
KyoDaz dies to retribution!
Their class was The Mastermind

Why are new comments not loading for me?

My WiFi tends to mess up a lot bcuz I’m on Phone. Possibly on my side.

“> text”

If you remove the quotes


How do I end the line of code?

Not for use of advertising my ideas small at all, but how do I make text small also?

Person: Polik Class: Fool
Hide (2 uses) - Prevent anyone from visiting you.
Frame (2 uses) - Make yourself appear unseen.
Win con - Get executed. Watch out for KyoDaz though, his 5 IQ brainless random talking might expose you and instead get him executed instead of yourself.

I’m not magic. I haven’t figured out all of the forum tricks yet

Plot twist

Nuclearburrito was the Court Wizard


Is it me or is Kyo talking too much :thinking:

below is the format i use, minus the .

your message, whatever that may be
this can extend multiple lines, be bolded, whatever


for that format, just put another > on a separate line


for text sizes, use an amount of #s followed by a space and then your message
'# one
(braixen request to use big text)



Oh and the effect lasts until it hits a blank line:



I’m a very talkative person you see.

Oh my god funny story

I was Scorned and the Unseen poisoned me after I accused my target for being Unseen. I died from the poison and the reason they poisoned me even know they knew I was Scorned was because it would cause an uproar because I talk too much. Hilarious times.

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You are the exact oppisite of me, you talk a lot.

I talk very little.

Meanwhile I am a total wildcard. I could talk a lot or I could talk a little.

And unseen don’t get any ideas.

a lot of this is just syntax abuse/learning, and if you pay attention to the normal features, like quoting, it can be quite easy to learn
for instance, you can manipulate who said a quote, or which post it was

nobody cares about that question

theres more syntax to making a profile picture appear, but i wont say that here, as it could be interpreted as promoting fake-quoting, which i definitely do not want to do