SFoL 12 The Return of The Unseen! {BD, Merc, Alch win}

Um… No? A miss lynch is much worse than a no lynch. Hell even a correct lynch is worse for the reasons I already stated

This is not true. NEVER is that true for BD. Hanging a bd early is worse than hanging no one. This should be obvious.

That’s true early game when there is a conflicting claims.

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You are vastly overestimating him.

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Sorry noz that was kinda harsh lol

Screw it

/vote Polik

We need that vote…

The time still carries on while there’s a trial, so we need that defence ASAP

Me, Frost, Marl, Insanity, Hip, Dama, Wolfy have voted Polik.
16 alive, so majority 9.
2 more votes needed everyone

/vote Polik

plops down to take a nap (Which will most likely be 2 minutes)

I won’t be awake to hear polik’s defense (if there is one.) so i’m counting on bd to vote correctly :wink:

Why would you wink after that lol that’s just suspicious.

InB4 Noz is hunter.

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Kyo was pardoned off the stand

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Sending either me or Eevee won’t get hurt by his spike/bear trap, but I can’t take him seriously enough with his claims lately.

/vote Polik.

8 voted on Polik @Braixen

All of the votes

BD is throwing game out of the window rn. You are occupying only sheriff claim. Duh.

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That’s 9!
Not 8!

@Ashe majority reached.

If any of you were BD that attempted to execute me this Alchemist is much better at being BD than you are

/vote to Execute Polik