SFoL 12 The Return of The Unseen! {BD, Merc, Alch win}

/Vote to Exe
I’m not risking us running out of time

How much time do we have left?

Tbh I just have other PoV, from the sidelines. And I’m not that scared of expressing it. On the other side I refuse to protect any of the “big” targets to not iritate unseen/Nk too much.
That’s my way and thats what you can expect from me.

In this world, the Unseen can get lead very quick.

So I risk it.

/vote execute

I agree anyone who blocks noz will be assumed to be scum tbh. Wolfy you keeping on saying to block/kill the uncccd sheriff is suspicious af and I would be surprised if you were converted last night.

/vote to exe polik

Can;t do it yet until they stand on trial guys… Read the rules :neutral_face:

I feel like many of the rules have gone out the window right now…

Reading is fun guys, you definitely all should try it!

We run out of time already, because one: Polik would be on stand now after the Kyo is pardoned.


That’s five exes

Reading is fun, you should try it!

Also, we would already be out of time. I converted the clock. 10AM EST is 3PM GMT here. We’re too late

Yeah one hour late in fact, it’s not the end of the world still.

If only you didn’t put up the person that was the most obvious BD here.

Knight are not the most obvious BD.

Stop telling me otherwise.

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I did not claim before I was on the Stand. My claim had nothing to do with me being “obviously BD”

and I was being half sarcastic anyways.

Someone check wolfy I bet he’s converted.

That’s what I was thinking also quite honestly.

Why would Wolfy push the only sheriff claim?

Because Noz being Noz, you need to be very good reader to get past the differences.