SFoL 16.5 - Return of the Return of the Blue Dragon (Hosted by Wolfy and Co-Hosted by Alfa) - Unseen, Mercenary and Alchemist win!

Seriously tho, cya after weekend. I need to sleep, it’s 2 am.

tonight is convert night, so keep that in mind.

We should find the Negotiator

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We think that’s insanity

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We mechanically have the majority of people confirmed and with those unconfirmed, evidence would support them being what I think for different reasons

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tbh, I think Marl is just a shitty Scorned/Fool

Not scorned but possibly a scorned target. 90% sure he’s fool tho

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Me, Tech, Meth, Hip, Eevee (Cannot be Negotiator), Nuclear

Essentially confirmed due to being TWTBAW:
Noz, Marl

Night, Pug


it’s some weird acronym

well duh

Titties With The Big Ass Wanker

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Too Wolfy To Be A Wolf

my acronym is still best

@Ami heal me

And I’m already voting for insanity because I thought the dn was his

And yes I’m a marshal, let hip check me if you think I’m fool/scorned

Who was your N2 check btw?

This leave it to Polik (Not part of the list and has been fairly pro-Town for once)
Damafaud (Again, extremely top-town. If this is right, maybe even my pick to be a joint MVP)

And Insanity

I wouldn’t be bleeding rn if it wasn’t pkr

TBH Hippo has been the real MVP so far