SFoL 16.5 - Return of the Return of the Blue Dragon (Hosted by Wolfy and Co-Hosted by Alfa) - Unseen, Mercenary and Alchemist win!

Oh your bleeding?

@Ami deal with this

what did you do while visiting PKR?

occupy attempt?

Joint MVP? Nah, dams is THE MVP. Lel

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He claimed marshal.

fireworks are pretty cool though

What about me T-T
Also, Marl. Claim.
Then vote Insanity.
Quickly, get to it!

calling him a Fool

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He did claim

Pls read PKR

He needs to claim the truth as being that is impossible for him

is Hip a Duchess?

Hip is obs

It is NOT impossible. I’m a scorned target and an illus dupd the frame to boopy

ah okay.


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it really depends on Sam’s original class

Ok you know what?


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Illu should copy heals

Illu does copy heals

No Marl.
Listen to me here please.

Sam was Sheriff turned Negotiator.
That makes complete sense.
I do not see a newbie fakeclaiming factional hardcounter.
Nuclear is 100% confirmed.
Which would mean you are not Marshall

yeah just saying this for night 3 though