SFoL 16.5 - Return of the Return of the Blue Dragon (Hosted by Wolfy and Co-Hosted by Alfa) - Unseen, Mercenary and Alchemist win!

INB4 Noz is secretly Fool who didn’t use ability

surprise mojo and nobody might’ve gave a shit about killing marl

I’m pretty sure Noz is Alch

Noz cannot be fool if he yoloed Boopy

(which was a real help to me thanks)

How rude…


I purposely didn’t visit you either

I’m not getting a bleed when I cannot claim bleeding so yeah

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Tbh, idrc what Marl and Noz are.
All we know is that you’re being voted.
Then if you flip Fool, Marl is dead anyway

How many more exes do we need?

Me, Marl, Night, Tech, Hip voted Pug to the stand
We actually are at L-1

He’s already on the stand according to wolfy i think

@NuclearBurrito Vote for pug pls

@Pug Alternatively, you could vote for yourself :thinking:

Sam didn’t vote.
He just said choo choo.
Also Sam’s dead for being scum :sunglasses:

Readings fun. I never said anything about Pug being on trial, and you know the ruke of you cannot vote if the person is not on trial.

That being said, Pug IS NOW on the stand.

First vote ftw!


Whoooo everyone boards Dama’s Thinking Train!

It’s time for me to use electricity to kill Pug and then go on my mission.
If my interpretation of something before was right.


@Wolfy i request you just call this game here. Unseen CANNOT lose. Just end it no point going through something pointless