SFoL 16.5 - Return of the Return of the Blue Dragon (Hosted by Wolfy and Co-Hosted by Alfa) - Unseen, Mercenary and Alchemist win!

I’m 100% convinced he’s an alchemist.

He literally has nothing to lose by doing this as Alch. It’s super questionable otherwise

Are you genuinely claiming Enforcer, Marl?

heck no
i ain’t claiming d1

i was just running along with noz’s bad meme

If anyone claim D1

I don’t know what I will do but I will do something

You’ll take pictures of your cat and spam their discord with them

Death by cuteness

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I never claimed.
It’s not like I sorta hard slipped when Noz fakeclaimed T-T

I’m wearing Keavlar do you want to test me?

Noz. Do you want a cool mark on you?

I can’t actually kill, but I do have a way to determine if you’re an alch or not :thinking:
I think

inb4 all the people who are night immune have Kevlar vests THATS WHY THEY LIVE WHILE OTHERS DIE OMG I FIGURED IT OUT

say do you guys remember

lying in september

never was an evil kiiiiiiing

Should I go to sleep, or stay up all night? 2am rn

  • sleep
  • it’s for the weak

0 voters

stay up worshipping Monika

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Monika is Mithras

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inb4 Noz is cult


I’m a Cultseen Dragontral


I worship Monika

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