SFoL 16.5 - Return of the Return of the Blue Dragon (Hosted by Wolfy and Co-Hosted by Alfa) - Unseen, Mercenary and Alchemist win!

Isn’t guaranteed.
Yet you seem to want to vote the only poacher claim quickly.
Am I a threat to you?

In a way, yes.

You are not confirmed and yet you talk you are.

I can be proven tomorrow.
Yet youre doing everything you can to prevent it.
Isn’t it a good thing for me to be confirmed?

The real poacher wouldn’t be so open and be the vigilante type of sorts.

Not the term for FM games mind you.

Why not? This is the perfect time to do that.

I know I would do that

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That’s for normal players.
I don’t play things by norms.
I claim Neutral to the King when I’m Blue dragon in normal ToL games

Is it?

I don’t see it that way.

So explain the scenario if you got that card?

We have 3 suspects. Someone needs to deal with the 3rd one and PKR has stepped up to do it.

I need some way of making sure I’m not killed or occupied (Also my attack needs to not be healed)
That way my thing will be guaranteed to work.

I formulated a whole plan for what people should do.
I claimed Poacher D1.
Yet you are trying to say I’m scum when the 1 thing that scum CAN’T do is cause bleeding

bitch don’t steal my phrases


Do you see where I’m coming from

Yet there is problem I already mention it several times, no one fricking died.

Who else should I go for it?

Duh. Marl

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And that isn’t your opinion?

Does that matter?
There are many ways a kill could ve been prevented.
Yet we haven’t exhausted them
So having suspicions mainly on me is unjustified

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Or maybe I am trying to bait to vote you.

You got hard baited by hip.
Then tried backpeddling.
Then voted again because a VI voted me and your scum buddy followed