SFoL 16.5 - Return of the Return of the Blue Dragon (Hosted by Wolfy and Co-Hosted by Alfa) - Unseen, Mercenary and Alchemist win!

Seems no one else is going for it, sure.

So, I have one left. Iā€™ll say this ā€œIā€™ll go the way the wind blows as lognas I liveā€


So Frostā€¦
Would you be willing to vote Noz?
As theyā€™re memeing more than usual as Town (And thatā€™s almost all the time anyway)

My only concern is Noz may be Fool.
However, we already have 1 lead and 2 close to leads


Iā€™m not town FFS. Iā€™ll go the way the wind is blowing, itā€™s blowing in Unseen favor so Iā€™ll go with yaā€™ll


So youā€™re admitting Iā€™m Unseen and pushing me was a ML?

I want your claim please Noz.
Are you genuinely Alche who tried to Yolo bomb me N1?

Should Noz being investigated as Noz or visit someone.

No idea what that MO, NO whatever is.

I thought you know I am not that stupid I would go for uncontested poacher claim

So once Noz claims.
I think we can reevaluate everything.

Iā€™m still not clearing you or Sam, Frost.
As Sam literally could be Sheriff who shows as Marshall when imprisoned.
However, you may get a bit of space once we evaluate this all.

There are times I am keeping check, sometimes I canā€™t.

Hm well im not reading anything so far

So far today:

  1. Hip votes me
  2. Frost sheeps Hip
  3. Me and Nuclear comment on how scummy this is and both vote Frost
  4. Hip unvotes, basically revealing that vote was a reaction test
  5. Frost unvotes after
  6. Nuclear asks me why I scumread marl. I answer. The nuclear claims Marshall with a BD on Marl
  7. Noz eventually votes me
  8. Frost and Sam both join quickly one after the other
  9. I suspect scumteam of Frost and Sam (As Noz is typically VI anyway so this is NAI)
  10. Sam keeps following Frostā€™s opinion
  11. Sam outs as Marshall claim
  12. Me and Frost unvotes temporarily after coming to a (temporary) agreement

Yes. Scorned will start of with Unseen as targets.


Note how I am mostly asking for Marl to be night killed.

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I think Marl being executed by Kidnapper may be good then.
Annoyingly, me and Nuclear need to not be occupied or killed tonight
Nuclear due to info and me due to literally being confirmed (If not OCCd)

You are occ immune

Oh yeah.
Kek, I forgot to read my card

We just need to worry about you being night killed.

I think a sage or a nightwatch should be on me (both should try. A nightwatch wonā€™t falsely accuse a Sage because he would be prevented)

I need healing then tonight or maybe guarding.
As long as Iā€™m alive I can be confirmed.
Also, we need healer to promise not to heal Frost or Sam.

If they interfere then we could be pretty screwed as then nobody is bleeding.
My suggestion would be a nightwatch on me to confirm my visit if needed and a healer.
While sage on you Nuclear.

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Sounds good.

Wait arenā€™t you wolfing Marl?