SFoL 16.5 - Return of the Return of the Blue Dragon (Hosted by Wolfy and Co-Hosted by Alfa) - Unseen, Mercenary and Alchemist win!

Nice joke pug XD

Wait what? Did I miss something? When did i become scum?

I seems like I had a BD check on me. I am either a scorned target or NuclearBurrito is lying.
Iā€™m a Marshal and I got a blue dragon check on someone last night. @Jazz Is BD.

Can we trust Marl?

@PokemonKidRyan Your actions today have made me trust you more. But like i said at EoD yesterday, you CANNOT blame me for thinking youā€™re suspicious when you make the exact same play that you made as cult in a recent game.

Do we Jail Sam and Execute Jammu?

I think executing Boopy would be an okay option.

Jailing Sam would be good to confirm him as Marshal/Sheriff

One of Sam or Burrito is lying
They both canā€™t be Marshal because Iā€™m a Marshal

Kidnapper can jail one, you check the other.

No, thatā€™s a waste of resources. I think Burrito is a scorned.

/Vote NuclearBurrito

Wait, why would I vote Burrito instead of just killing confirmed BD today
/Vote BoopyDoop

alright yeah true

/vote Boopy

We can deal with Burrito in the future

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yeah. Letā€™s get this BD out of here

/vote Boop

Burrito shouldā€™ve claimed Nightwatch

Wait did Burrito Claim at all?
He just said he checked me and Iā€™m scum

Donā€™t forget to consider this;
The Neutral Killer AND Insurgent could have tried to kill YOU last night because they thought youā€™d be wolfing me.

Thatā€™d explain the 0 deaths.

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One slight problem with this theory. How would they know?

That PKR is a Poacher? He claimed it at EoD yesterday and he said he was going to wolf me to prove himself.

And are you wolfed?