SFoL 16.5 - Return of the Return of the Blue Dragon (Hosted by Wolfy and Co-Hosted by Alfa) - Unseen, Mercenary and Alchemist win!

Exactly my point. The extreme inactivity has made me know what she is

I ALREADY Have a check on Boopy. A BD Resultā€¦ If itā€™s a scorned frame, theyā€™ll just frame again tommorow night.

Iā€™d like a claim out of her TODAY. If itā€™s provable that she isnā€™t the insurgent GREAT! We have a scorned in the game and iā€™m 70% sure on who it is

But iā€™d like to push a claim out of her regardless

I donā€™t mind the push on Frostwolf at all since he is scummy asfuck but iā€™d like to hear from the BD Result FIRST.

Sheā€™s the Kidnapper and sheā€™s essential to my plan. Based on what was said by Insanity itā€™s clear heā€™s not kidnapper and I know Kidnapper was one of the typical inactives

What makes you say that?
go read FoL12, the last time someone was ā€˜100% certainā€™ of who the kidnapper is, it was actually orange all along.

If she ACTUALLY is the kidnapper then let her say it. Because if she claims it and she ISNT the kidnapper, it will auto-resolve itself.

I donā€™t need to read a different game.
The kidnapper has got to be an inactive 100%
I had it down to Tech/Insanity/Boopy.
Insanity is clearly not claiming Kidnapper
Tech claims Alche

How? And donā€™t give me some bullshit angleshooty reason

Because I will lynch you for trying to angleshoot if thatā€™s the case

I was imprisoned N1 after hardclaiming D1.
Nobody wouldā€™ve done that to prevent me from proving myself after my hard claim.
An inactive wouldā€™ve sent in to imprison me earlier and not changed it later that day
It has got to be an inactive and by reactions, has to be Boopy

This is like textbook angleshooting and isnā€™t a good enough reason for me. Iā€™ll take my vote off boopy when i hear from her myself.

and if that is the case; Look at STRANGLE TOO. The just as obvious inactive. He could be the kidnapper as well with your terrible logic.

How is that angleshooting?
Itā€™s more than a valid point Marl
Youā€™ve already been BD checked and youā€™re the 3rd Marshall claimant.
As Iā€™ve said, we have 0 reason to trust you here. The fact Insanity votes with you after constantly saying you was found as bad is pretty susp.

I trust Pug from reactions
Tech claims Neut
Insanity is the most likely to be scum on the wagon youā€™re leading.

Yet alone the fact that as Iā€™ve said. Ruby is very likely Kidnapper and is essential to our plan. To try and out her just proves youā€™re not Unseen

Strangle has been more suspicious than Boopy.
Also, Iā€™d softed and he hadnā€™t spoken for days.
Thereā€™s almost 0 chance heā€™d have imprisoned me as accusations hadnā€™t started on me

This implies that the Jailkeeper wouldnā€™t claim neutral. Which is ACTUALLY a wonderful strategy in this because it means they wonā€™t likely be converted.

What has strangle said that is even remotely suspicious?

Also; You were jailed and there were no deaths in a confirmed unseen game. We have no reason to trust you whatsoever.

Strangle was here before accusations started on me and would ergo be unlikely to imprison me

Boopy was here after discussion was had and people wanted me imprisoned because I wouldnā€™t hardclaim, then she was gone the rest of that time

/Vote PKR
Letā€™s do this instead actually.
Jailkeeper, when you check in, Jail boopy.

Iā€™ll take the bolt if youā€™re really a poacher, letā€™s go

alright thenā€¦

I am here again

What shit is going down 2nite

This is 100% not town PKR.