SFoL 16.5 - Return of the Return of the Blue Dragon (Hosted by Wolfy and Co-Hosted by Alfa) - Unseen, Mercenary and Alchemist win!

hello Noz.

Can I use you to let me confirm myself as Druid?

INB4 Noz is Druid

Druid is unique.

I already claim it so surely Noz isnā€™t also gonna claim Druid

Noz Bugz has been marked by a wild.

Marked by a wildā€¦ EEVEE?! Coincidence?!

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I fucking love you marl.

no homo tho

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So anyway, being serious.
We have my weird claim.
Pug wants sage on me (And Iā€™d like it too <3 )
Marl is being weird, but not too AI for now.
Eevee is alright, I donā€™t often know how to read them.
So Iā€™m leaning Cowardly King atm tbh

Come on everyone, we might as well discuss while waiting.
We need to formulate a plan for every class to do

Iā€™ll do nothing :3

Except the fact that Iā€™ll mark you

When noone trusts yours BD king claim. Feels bad man.

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I trust your BD King claim

/accuse eevee

Please Noz be serious >_>
Obviously you should do something to help Unseen (If you are that)
Are you just messing around like you usually do after you said D1 should be discussion time?!
Come on, letā€™s just do this as we are.
How should every class act tonight? I think Sage should be on me. Kidnapper has to read everyone etc.
Everything I suggest makes logical sense. So just please cooperate here and discuss more.
Reaching for tonight now, allows us to get ahead of scum

Letā€™s fill this all in

Kidnapper should jail someone.


preferably someone who we have no info on.

so basically not you as you claimed

Hereā€™s what I think. Send opinions on it

Illusionist doesnā€™t work like Psychic here.

you link two people and what happens to them is the same deal

what if the servant thinks youā€™re being suspicious though? :thinking:

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Give target for king as well, duh :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh yeahā€¦
So I think maybe link me to someone (As if prevented, then it doesnā€™t risk bad things happening to 2 people)

Then they need to learn how to read better :expressionless:
For now, I shouldnā€™t be suspicious