SFoL 16.5 - Return of the Return of the Blue Dragon (Hosted by Wolfy and Co-Hosted by Alfa) - Unseen, Mercenary and Alchemist win!

I already did hours ago, both here as well as in private thread ._.

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(Eevee needs to say he isnt force pardoning and then game move on. Until then we get to discuss
P-Edit: Night, y-all!)

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K, so Iā€™m back to my guard-alchemist plan if you donā€™t want debts.


(are we still talking?)

Everyone was throwing accusations at one another until they have reached the decision that Frostwolf should be the one to stand trial. He argued and argued, looking at everyone, trying to convince them he was not a swarm enemy of the Unseen. The King shook his head, and gave the verdict of ā€œGuiltyā€. The whole court roared as an axe man was brought in, and grabbed Frost by the head, and shoved it hard on the chopping block. Frostwolf let out a little prayer that the Unseen knew that does not belong to them, just before the axe came down and beheaded Frostwolf.


The Negotiator

Everyone cheered when they saw the traitor executed. The King gave a warning that there could be more than one, and that everyone was still expected to stay until the Kingdom was ridden with Blue Dragon traitors. He dismissed them from the courtā€¦

It is now Night 2! Day 3 will begin on Thursday 15th at 18:05PM GMT. Remember, if the thread opens automatically and nothing has been said, do not post until the day officially starts!


Day 3 Has not begun yet, though there has been a development.

Strangle has deided to step down from the game, so this game is now looking for a replacement.
@NightX, since you have expressed yourself as a backup, you can get the spot, but any other players would be welcomed as well. First person to DM me with the Title SFoL Replacement with a ā€˜/sign in as backupā€™ the spot will then be yours. Remember, DM me since it still is night time.

Thank you!


Apologies for not starting the day on time. Iā€™m going to give a grace period until 6:05pm GMT tomorrow to see if we can get a replacement. If not, then Iā€™ll will consider killing the slot and continuing with everyone else that are still alive. This is to ensure that @NightX has an opportunity to respond, and any other potential players to join if they wish, but they cannot do so now due to time zones to make things fair.


The birds outside were singing their melodies pure and true, when all of a sudden, screams were heard. The Kingā€™s guards had brought bodies to the Court, and he was furiousā€¦

Boopydoopy was found dead. She wasā€¦

The Kidnapper

A deathnote was discovered along with the body.



Sam17z was also found dead. They wereā€¦

The Negotiator

A journal was discovered on the body.


Sam17z the Marshal
N1 check Frost NS

Real logs

Sam17z the mercenary

N1 - sleep peacefully
N2 - jailed

Well RIPā€¦, I was converted N1, the sheriff. Since I was converted N1 I never found out the BD, right now I still do not know who the insurgent is. I was supposed to find out N2 but now jailed and since I no show my badge I probs will get exed. Am I good, I checked Frost N1 knowing he may be BD. Well I was mercenary originally and then became converted merc then negotiator. I tried to fake marshal so I could be a hidden merc my target was Noz I laughed when I found out, but I wanted to save my guards so did not guard I tried to pocket Frost N1 when I saw the opportunity, I never knew Frost was Negotiator. I have to admit PKR is good. VIVE EL RESISTANCE.

It is now Day 3! Night 3 will begin on Tuesday 20th 7:00pm GMT. You may now begin!

With 13 alive, the majority is 7

Want to apologize for being MIA day one, I was (and still am) sick and didnā€™t check the forums at all that entire day, RIP. I should be around more now.

I slept peacefully both nights.

Iā€™m bleeding to death please send help

Hey the death note makes it obvious. /Vote insanity

And this solves our 3 marshal conundrum

Great. We just lost our Kidnappers.

Do you need healing? Also I am claiming responsibility for the Boopy kill, princes can fuck up meh day.

Claiming may as well since i almost got bleed herblist here something almost made me bleed at pkrs room

Can someone fill me in?

(Donā€™t wanna read 1700 posts)

Btw @Hippolytus yw for the heal n1

We just lost our Kidnapper.

And they just lost their negoitator.

Noz you canā€™t kill the fucking Kidnapper and not expect us to hang you

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/vote nozbugz