SFoL 16.5 - Return of the Return of the Blue Dragon (Hosted by Wolfy and Co-Hosted by Alfa) - Unseen, Mercenary and Alchemist win!

Actualy I want Hippo to be on PKR and I will back out from my plan.

*duchess. Sorry

Meth was confirmed that way, my mistake.
I knew they was confirmed by catching Night but forgot how

Meth didn’t catch Night. Hippo did.

He successfully visited me in spite of NightX’s sage WoF claim

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What was Damafaud?

Night claimed to have WoF’d Nuclear.
Yet Meth visited confirming a lie

Doesn’t matter that much.
There’s no doubt he’s been pro-Town.
I wouldn’t see scum Dama trying this hard.
He’s seriously impressed me

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I’m thinking of nightwatch result tbh.

I think Night is NK tbh.

You think Dama is nightwatch who caught Insanity but doesn’t want to hardclaim from worry?

that’s trying to look like a fool.

We ALL do

Anyway’s he isn’t 100% confirmed but I’ve got an Unseen read on him anyway’s so Insanity is a better lynch. We can have Hippo peek him tonight just incase or something but I’m confident that hes Unseen.


@Methnor Wisp me tonight

@Pug Heal Methnor

This only matters if Insanity is not last BD

If insanity is last BD then ignore me because we are good

Nuke but Hippo forced me to heal Polik otherwise I’ll be exed

hmmm. This is true…

How about techwolves visits Methnro?

Nuclear, Dama is confirmed on point of visiting noone.

BD would kill someone.
Tho with lack of kill n1… a thought crossed my mind.

Still - BD would kill n1 tho.

maybe tech can heal Polik and I heal Meth?

Dama is likely not the BD