SFoL 16.5 - Return of the Return of the Blue Dragon (Hosted by Wolfy and Co-Hosted by Alfa) - Unseen, Mercenary and Alchemist win!

I have sus on Insanity tho

Talk it out with everyone else. As long as Polik gets healed and Meth gets visited Iā€™m happy

I think we have this pretty secure.
Next biggest suspect would be Tech or Pug to me but I find both fairly good for now

We all do. We are voting him right now

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/revoke NightX
/vote Insanity

Tech is not BD.


Iā€™m Alch

oh yea, that.

Out of those 2 it would have to be Pug. Remember Tech is mechanically confirmed to not be BD. He is at most neut.

Also inB4 Marl is actually last BD all along


Inb4 Noz is last BD and thatā€™s why we were missing BD kills.

an Unseen heavy Alch.

tbh, idc if I lose. Just as long as BD loses, Iā€™m happy

InB4 Im the last BD and this was the biggest 200IQ play in the history of SFoL


Noz claimed to yolo Boopy

so thatā€™s one bit of sus on the Noz

Note: Thatā€™s not actually possible because of Meths check on me

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2 - Likely not BD
3 - Confirmed Wolf lover
4 - Big suspect
5.- Alche claim
6 - Likely NK
7 - Very likely Unseen
8 - Unseen
9 - Not Unseen. Tbd
10 - Likely Unseen or Neut. Not BD
12 - Likely Unseen
13 - Unseen
14 - Alche
15 - VI

Okay, Iā€™m out.

Will probably be back after a weekend. Good luck and stuff.

nah, Nuke canā€™t be Neut


There are no neut Investā€™s or specials. I have to be Unseen right now

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@Pug - wanna protect each other tonight?

Inquisitor/Sorc are not in FoL so yeah. thereā€™s that