SFoL 16.5 - Return of the Return of the Blue Dragon (Hosted by Wolfy and Co-Hosted by Alfa) - Unseen, Mercenary and Alchemist win!

He was a fucking merc

He was a soldier turned negotiator, not a sheriff

Who’s Merc tho

Ok well I won’t believe that until illusionist claims

No idea? Was anyone prevented n1?

His will says he was on Noz and was saving his guards

Are you out of your mind Marl?
You seriously trust that?
You would be saying that Unseen!Noz claimed to have killed Boopy with no motivation other than to throw us off

Noz is sus tbh.

The man is dead and I’m our second Marshall. I have no reason not to trust that

First of all merc’s can be on neuts.

Second of all I could see that

Again. I will need to see an Illusionist claim to believe you

I’m not bombing anyone btw.

Saving bombs for later

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We cannot have 5 neutrals total.
Only 4 including NK.
Have you all forgotten or am I just having to keep us together here?

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What if Sam was the illusionist? It makes sense

Apparently I have

Riddle me this then:
Noz, Pug, Night, Tech, Sam

That doesn’t fit

I am sorry, guys.

I am very inactive.

It really doesn’t.
You’re grasping

NightX claimed to be not neut

So your saying that sam is an illusionist turned BD who claimed marshal and then claimed to be a merc turned BD? That seems ridiculous