SFoL 21 - Hail Hydra - The Blue Dragon and Scorned Win!

(sorry :P)

Ha ha

I have the banhammer ready.


Can I have it?

Sure, but it’s pretty heavy.


Tries chopping off hippo head, instead just scratching him. He died from infection the next night he was a Witch

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What? No one likes references?

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ToS references?! Triggered


Mine was from clergy

His was from…

Sfol something? I think

Well, there is a witch in ToS :confused:


In clergy va witches I tried chopping off the bishop

I wasn’t paying attention to the Bishop part XD

Let’s just say

I was chief for atleast a little while

Just gonna throw it out there that I hate everything to do with my class with a burning passion


Did you roll Butler Mercenary?

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defo butler :roll_eyes:

Hint is word burning so they claim Demon.

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