SFoL 21 - Hail Hydra - The Blue Dragon and Scorned Win!

At least I’ll probably get killed N1

Nobody heal me I welcome death.

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I mean it

Not going to lie, i thought you were gonna /out when you saw me join

Does it start with a P and ends with an E?

Nobody would heal you since they would get prevented anyway, lul.

Nah, you I just tease

The only person here that might make me leave just because is @PoisonedSquid

And I’m not apologizing for that

But I also won’t talk about ongoing games so

Not sure wether i should be relieved or upset

Why upset lmao

I don’t think he meant to do it but moving on

Look, I’m not talking about running games, but let’s say it was someone else’s fault.

It’s probally fool

Hey Orange, but what if I’m not lying ;(

Fool has a merc :open_mouth:

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Then I’ll find out tonight, no?

I guess so :confused: I hate it as much as you do.

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Because you just tease me
and teasing isnt a nice thing to do

Guarding is anonymous, but people would be prevented so yeah.

2 bad :stuck_out_tongue:

Yea prevented.

Didn’t eevee claim merc before…

(Pretty sure I saw SOMEONE FAKE MERC)

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