SFoL 22.5: Siege on Xed (End) - Revenant Unfortunately Wins with Alchemist

Is the contract me or Maximus?

That would be actualy fun.

Alch with Merc lol

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Pls say your contract is me

Inb4 he is contracted to the revenant bound


I will say this.

I am not contracted to the Reverent.

But how do you know he isnā€™t? Anyone could be bounded cause it canā€™t be prevented Iā€™m pretty sure.

Inb4 polok is actually the revenant bound

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I said I wasnā€™t contracted. Not bound.

I think we are at a misunderstanding here. Your contract could be the revenant bound is what I joked about. They obviously canā€™t be the revenant themselves because the revenant is dead technically


youā€™re a dipshit Maximus

What can merc do

Errr Whammā€¦ didnā€™t I give you a post restriction?

Better. Thanks Whamm Whamm

I thought spiritualist couldnā€™t be prevented?

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Whamm, bind to me and prevent me from being attacked.

I will be thankful <3


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I know that revenant isnā€™t bounded to me at least (probably), based on the little he said

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will do tonight

Thanks <3

Max think of it, Revenant is like free stoneskin.

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Wait w0t

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