SFoL 22.5: Siege on Xed (End) - Revenant Unfortunately Wins with Alchemist

But then GK try to kill you. Better to wait till later or have him do it secretly


You already bounded tho l

ngl I was almost sad when I rolled this class until I realized I was in way too many FMs and FoLs so now I can just dick around and low effort post without consequences

not as if I donā€™t mostly do that anyways but alas

Itā€™s a free stoneskin to your eventual death

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I thought I put you on post restriction Whammā€¦ do I need to get Pug and have him modkill warn you

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Itā€™s just a wifom for everyone else tho. GK wonā€™t be able to tell where revenant is anyway, unless they slip.

And if they bound to an alche from time to time and help them survive, itā€™s even better for them.

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Wdym 'tim to timeā€™s they have one chance at a second life and it lasts for 2 days only

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Do you really think Wham will bind himself to a person he promised to bind?

Will he think itā€™s a good reason, cause you will think itā€™s reverse logic?

We can go endlessly in circles like that and it gives GK nothing, but helps me sometimes.

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Yes. I do.

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He already bounded

He can switch target every day tho.

Does this seem like heā€™s gonna think about this too much

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Wait since when

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Only if his bounded got the plunder

After I pointed that out, Pug told me that Whammerist was occupy immune which is pretty obvious now :confused:

Itā€™s still not every other day

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Oooooh, it was changed!

ā€¦Seriously Eevee?

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Donā€™t look weird on me, I didnā€™t see revenant since SFoL 7 and itā€™s SFoL 22.5 here.

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