SFOL 23 - Triple Threat - Dumb last minute mislynches - The Blue Dragon Win

See ya Eevee.

well I’m back.

Friend’s pc is a shitshow so yeah

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It’s a theory

I haven’t though of the basics yet

It’s a theory :wink:

I won’t Bind Soul you yet.

My theory is that Nuclear is the Mastermind who tried to convert me but realized I was RNGoddess and got rekt

Seriously what’s the theory and why are you voting twilight as a result of it.

Pug, trust me dont bind soul eevee yet. Bleeding bypasses it

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It’s a theory

I didn’t think of it yet

Wouldn’t that make me completely correct?

If eevee dies tonight, we kill Firekitten

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Hippo explained my gut read better than I can but he’s dead now so I’ll just drop this here

It would mean that u a scum

Ez. Don’t let Eevee die

Can’t kill me when I coldsteel and die!

But I am going to say this before going back to studying: for a person who usually rules town with an iron fist despite whatever role he gets, Marl is really silent this game, ESPECIALLY concerning that he’s King

But yeah Maxi is scum 100% of the time

Oh hey that’s me.


Infltratior was possessor facelift

In ToL anyways. It’s much harder in FoL.