SFOL 23 - Triple Threat - Dumb last minute mislynches - The Blue Dragon Win

Well I will be the one getting jailed so there’s that.

There is a 93% chance the convert landed.

So EZ MM. Tsk, i still don’t like it that much.

If only Hippo made logs who he occupied.

Apparently he parties?

I think Frost stays. Let Kitten CS him and I’ll service the Memesky

Or he hit an occupy immune class.


Vote Count

Frost - 3 (Sam, Meme, Celeste)
Boss - 7 (Pug, Marl :crown:, Frost, Twi, Shuri, Litten)

With 19 alive, Majority is

Frost is getting jailed - You’re comparing Memesky with Wham
and servicing frost the next day

I got cha.

I was sleeping can someone tell me what’s going on?


All you need to know.

Boss claims observer. Looked at PoisonedSquid visiting no one and only me visiting Squiddo, but then we have a Drunk claiming Boss was debauched

Vote up Boss

/vote boss

Not bolded extremely triggered reeee


We dont have HTM’s claim!
@Htm What class are you my boi?


oh right

Vote Count

Frost - 2 (Sam, Celeste)
Boss - 8 (Pug, Marl :crown:, Frost, Twi, Shuri, Litten, Meme)

With 19 alive, Majority is