SFOL 23 - Triple Threat - Dumb last minute mislynches - The Blue Dragon Win


Marl is king

I am basically self-learnt so I don’t study FM tactics

How am I not town read from mechical confirmation as well


Ashe claimed drunk you didn’t tell me that >:(

Riot time!!!

I woke up later too so I don’t know too much :frowning:


Woah, woah no roting you scum!

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@eevee please vote up boss so kitten will hammer. he’s mechanically confirmed as scum - again. He lied about his night results.

did someone say riot time?

RIOT throws a rock through a window RIOT!!! Get ur pitchforks and torches here!! starts handing out pitch forks and torches

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Could anyone keep track of claims?

You’re obsessed with the panda

oh wait maxipad is here
pls vote up boss maxiboy

Yes plz?

What was it? Also /vote Boss

Is that hammer orv

@Firelitten choo choo


Vote Count

Frost - 2 (Sam, Celeste)
Boss - 9 (Pug, Marl :crown:, Frost, Twi, Shuri, Meme, Htm, Max)

With 19 alive, Majority is 10

I was going to kek

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