SFOL 23 - Triple Threat - Dumb last minute mislynches - The Blue Dragon Win

just poison the Not BD King

Marl cannot be BD


The importants

Wham = Sheriff
Sam = Pally

do not occ them

Yes he can’t be

Check sam since i had no way to protect them due to the invoker


Memesky is probs new MM




Don’t poison

Telepathy sir?

So just up marl?

Uhh hey this is totally telepathy believe me…

It’s not working okay…

Trust me

eh I wouldn’t be so sure about that

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I believe you

Btw hippo I’d suggest you to not occupy me because if you do I won’t be able to conduit!

Mystic doesn’t have immunity to occupation/target change…

Also I did do telepathy

Not my fault that you guys didn’t see it

i cant block conduit that happens first

Uhh no you can in this… I think