SFOL 23 - Triple Threat - Dumb last minute mislynches - The Blue Dragon Win

Inb4 this is the 10k IQ plays where Eevee, Poisoned and Celeste are all on the same team :stuck_out_tongue:

Are you just going to brush the both jailed thing under the rug orrrr?


Same scum team that is lel

Yup. 100% because everything makes sense

so you guys clearly are running around in circles. you keep going back to the same topic over andover again. literally 500 posts just trying to figure out who is who and if they’re memeing or not. i’m gonna lurk until something actually important comes up…

Yes we will cuz yall dont need to know our 10000 IQ Scumteam plays

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Fire = kitten I think


Burrito! Yes speak please


I’m flattered but what’s a cien?

Nah, I want confirmed CW Ice Ward.

Kitten can do whatever they want and protect investigatives.

We shoulda listened to Wise Nuke and not have memed!




See auto correct sucks.

Memeing is bad

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It really does. What were you trying to say? Claim?

Celeste, Htm, Eevee, Fire, burrito, and Ashe did you ice ward anyone? Don’t know who is the real Cw guessing Celeste but idk

Wasn’t me.

We all ice mole


I wanted your reads. I mean you are a veteran and all tell us who you think is scum

Nope I didn’t ice ward anyone

I’m not even a CW