SFOL 23 - Triple Threat - Dumb last minute mislynches - The Blue Dragon Win

Yeah to be fair I forgot I did that and when you put 2 and 2 together it looks scummy af lmao

Naaah, Don’t deb FK. Let him yolo cs on his own. He might hit a scum. You’ll just cause him to sudoku

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Pug are you sure? If NuclearBurrito was Assassin and I got swapped by Court Wizard then explain how I am not dead?

Okay hold on a moment, Ashe claims Drunk too?

Oh yes you did okay…

Memesky has 5 more hours to post a defence before I allow voting

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alright good.

not yet at least

also court wizard doesn’t have tornado.

and that could still be opposite evil faction member

Just let you know that doesn’t make Ashe a confirmed Drunk yet, not the first time I got controlled by Invoker to target on that person.

And as I expected, someone made fake claim since I count 13 BD classes while Sam, Boss, Twilight and Whamm didn’t claimed.

And there’s suppose to be Nobles around here? So that is more than one fake claim.

Whew so many msgs

Oh i was upped…

You may now vote for the Fate of Memesky

Firekitten was K/O last night,i claimed cuz there is another princess claim

If im up for the “whispers” i did it as joke


We find a mastermind?

You are a really bad judge I have to say.

He just said hi everyone and you are like K VOTE TO EXE

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I asked for claims to find out if FK is lying about class

I mean, pardoning is also deciding the fate of Memesky :thinking:

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Yes. But I don’t wanna have u as a judge lol