SFOL 23 - Triple Threat - Dumb last minute mislynches - The Blue Dragon Win

It’s 5;16

I can’t think

Whatever i did should be justified as i explained myself now.

11:19 AM here,woke up 10 mins ago or so

K here’s the plan. We are pardoning you and you are going to use will o wisp to Celeste cause she is prince. People will visit you confirming you sounds good?

Will o Wisp just detects attackers lol.

This has got to be seeker or some shit like that

Fuck you

There is one scum between Memesky and Frostwolf

I’d say Memesky.

Princess can only be mechanically confirmed via royal blood

I tried to do what marl did


oh ok


What did frost claim?


Three princess claims lol

I am really sad you ruined it :frowning:

Inb4 this is mastermind

(Totally didn’t post this on the wrong thread)

Why would i out myself as an obvs scum claim tho if i saw another princess?

That’s like saying why did I buy the kid icecream. Sure you can go with the obvious answer I wanted to make him happy. Or you can go with I wanted to kidnap him.

Etheir works

I’m waiting right now.

You can chill 4 now

Guess im dying here

After you exe dont forget other 2 can be princess too so dont go for their throats