SFOL 23 - Triple Threat - Dumb last minute mislynches - The Blue Dragon Win

not really.

just as long as the person isn’t converted.

it’s fine

I’d rather barrier just so people can check them

Get dunked on

You seem fine

You are not slipping

if you want ice ward to confirm yourself.

go ahead

Ok i was asking to see what you think

Its a vote my dude cuz its directed to the host which makes anything possible

Have also asked. UNIQUE classes, are unique :3

you know, I got to agree.

You would’ve slipped hard by now if you were Cult leader/mastermind

Hm ill decide tonight if ill barrier or ward since warding proves

techwolves just can’t be head honcho.

but to add on to the assassin + cl possibility

the two have to be stupid

Heck there was a time on a different site where we asked host to convert someone when they were on trial. Of course we had numbers and converted him on stand l0l

the two have to be stupid to bleed to confirm PoisonedSquid

so look at dumb people.



Yeah, I instictively went to check if Fire was on l0l

Yeah BleedingSquid is prolly k.o’ed by his own stuff.


I’d rather have a barrier on PoisonedSquid

I’m glad my plan worked. Act so dumb people under estimate me

As I’ve said before, we could barrier/heal our BleedingSquid

holy shit so true

there’s a chance he could be assassin