SFOL 23 - Triple Threat - Dumb last minute mislynches - The Blue Dragon Win

I’m taking a quick shower as I just woke up
Remember that I’m Sheriff without CC and Assassins are scary :frowning:

People do under estimate me


he wolfed so he can’t bear

Pls at least scout him

@Moleland can scout detect Cult conversions?

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Hey he’s saying we underestimate him lets totally lynch him for overestimating us monkaS /s

It does

I agree!

I’m putting my scout on a random
Telegraphing it is stupid

Hm pug keep in mind saying who you perfer has the high chance at the other being converted i think at this point it should be up to me at night between the 2

Yes it can

Say you did It?

What were frost results?

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What were frost’s results? Btw i think everyone is gonna claim a class that is their type cuz of 3 princess claims

Lmao I just need 2 more claims

@Boss110 Claim now
@Twil1ight Claim now

Obviously K/O cuz he was redirected

No u

alright true

Though it would be a good idea to ward tonight since if i save squid they can die since barrier doesnt stop attacks

Dont make me jail and exe u fire to stop your low information posting

@Frostwolf103 who were you redirected to?
