SFOL 25 Return of the Blue Dragon II Unseen and Mercenary Win!

But sage doesn’t even have a barrier lol

It has a two shot night ability and a two shot day

Pray I’m not scum, my scum game is quite weak since I lack that kind of experience


Add this to the main post

Wall of fire is very strong.

Not when every other killer can bypass it pretty much

Prevention is > bypass death immunity.

Wall of fire = Prevention = Strong

Let’s do it.

/join with my supreme inactivity

I said I will wait for you didnt I? And you better be active

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Trust me I wont be active at all but I dont wanna miss this game :woman_shrugging:

I missed the first one and I cried in my sleep so I wont miss this one

Okay guess I will have someone to tunnel without better reads.

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I mean if you are going to be inactive you might as well backup? Because I am going to prod people who are inactive.

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So I still don’t get what the deal with specials are. What is the difference between them and a 1 shot night ability?




Uh Sam? XD

Chill let me fix things

Sorry. It was a thing in the last one so I was peeved it wasn’t fixed.

/W nuke:Glad they can’t see this

Added the handmaiden and Maid to the classlist for people who already read it once


Where do you think the soulcatcher is going to get souls from :thinking: