SFOL 25 Return of the Blue Dragon II Unseen and Mercenary Win!

Also my pc is lagging really bad so expect to see my typing really slow

Iā€™m not sure if Prince actually can jail his own teammatesā€¦there is no mention in class card.

That Insurgent attacked Whammerist, okay that make sense. It would also make sense for Whamm to visit Moleland because getting souls is the only ability as Soulcatcher to move on living people.

Maybe it wasnā€™t by choice of targeting Moleland, it goes automatically to people that is going to die?

Sneaky, very sneaky.

We will know if prince is converted if he exed someone and they say in there logs

I was jailed if I die heā€™s converted

You mean after he will kill second jaileeā€¦because if one Unseen would be exed that wouldnā€™t tell us a shit.

/vote Marl I donā€™t want to see any sick Hemophilia chains come up later.

Itā€™s his first use, so he canā€™t use it again tonight since itā€™s on cooldown.

So is the plan is to:

  1. Wait for Maxā€™s night results finalized
  2. Get a claim from Celeste
  3. Kidnap Marl
  4. Occ/Debauch Firekitten

Did I get that right?

Wait Wut?

I still donā€™t know where the Firekitten wagon is coming from

Me neither

No one is voting you, dummy. :neutral_face:

I donā€™t like getting debuached

Visited Wham. Maybe BD Firekitten wouldnā€™t have offered that information though.

I would soft claim I visited wham.

But I wouldnā€™t say why if I was BD

Which is why you need to be debauched tonight, nothing personal kiddo.

No I donā€™t

Canā€™t FK be like literally anything based on ā€œvisited Whamā€

I know Insurgent attacked Wham but that isnā€™t necessarily the same thing

pats him Yes you do :3

I can confirm myself any day right now as NOT A KILLER