SFOL 25 Return of the Blue Dragon II Unseen and Mercenary Win!

pug confirmed druid ez exe

on that I can agree

Because a Druid would not like to eat meat because he’s a plant creature? Idk?

/real confirm

got my classcard btw

What neutral class are you?

I’m Warlock

Totally not fake claiming anything btw

Aristocrat is posted in the OP now

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Fyi. I claim not Killer/Offensive

Classes are rolled out just waiting people to confirm and we can get N1 started

@light_ethos due to shurian’s absence you are now participating in this game

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Btw you have not confirmed your class

I have

In my class card

@Frostwolf103 @NuclearBurrito @Hippolytus @Whammerist @Memesky @Margaret @light_ethos

I need you guys to confirm your class card please

Calling it now
Kidnapper dies n1


Isn’t that impossible though? I dont think a person can get converted and die on the same night though? :thinking:

That sneaky savage edit right there. I saw it