SFOL 25 Return of the Blue Dragon II Unseen and Mercenary Win!

Hey, I’m the queen of edit spotting here >:(

wait ur a girl

i thought you were a guy


It’s impossible because

Mastermind walks to this guy’s house. NK walked there first and stabbed him. Mastermind looks at him and is like. Oh…bye…

Na, I’m a woman, spooky

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Mastermind and the Assasin are too important for the castle of Adiart and are now rulling over the whole unseen empire. They are currently not present.


When can we go there?

my life is a lie


nah they aren’t that powerful yet

they have gone to try and take over Ship Xed

This is why I try using
They in most of my sentences

Saves your life a lot

No pen no edit

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I thought replying on my pm and in thread was enough sorry.

it was. i did. you just have to ping him or tell him here lol


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was it replying in your pm or was it replying in your scum chat? :thinking:

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… he’s the king

Wait or is it htm this game

I get games confused already :dizzy_face:

@Sam17z pls put a crown on the king in the op for ease of access

I’m kang in the other game not this one



It didn’t change anything for me by the way.